Greece - Corinth

The columns you see in this photo are all that remain of the Temple of Apollo in Corinth. It is believed that the original Temple had 38 columns. To say that Corinth was the "sin city" of its day may just be an understatement. Some ancient writers say that to mention a young lady as a "Corinthian girl," meant a prostitute. 

Paul spent at least a year and a half in Corinth before he was accused of breaking the law. He was brought before Gallio for judgment. The mention of Gallio gives us a good idea of when this took place. According to Roman sources, Gallio was the proconsul of Achaia from June 51 - May 52 A.D.

In 1929 an interesting artifact was found in Corinth. It was a stone inscription stating that Erastus paid for the paving of the street in return for an appointment as a city official. Many scholars think it was the same Erastus mentioned by Paul in his greeting to the church at Rome. (See Romans 16:23) If that is the case, Paul's influence extended to the influential Roman citizens in Corinth.
