Turkey - Thyatira

Thyatira (modern Akhisar, Turkey) was located about 40 miles southeast of Pergamum in the fertile Lycus River Valley. It stood on the border between Mysia and Lydia and was famous for its dyeing and indigo trade. The businesswoman Lydia, the seller of purple cloth who was converted by Paul, was from Thyatira. (See Acts. 16:14-15)

Thyatira was the smallest city of the seven churches of Asia Minor mentioned in Revelation 2-3. However, it had the longest message given to it.

Thyatira was considered the “Gateway to Pergamum” (from the south). If Thyatira fell, Pergamum, the capital city of Asia, was vulnerable to invading forces. So in history, one of its main functions was to fight and delay enemy armies until Pergamum was ready to resist.   
