Egypt - The Step [Djoser] Pyramid

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Sakkara is part of the necropolis of Memphis, the ancient capital of Egypt. There have been some fairly recent discoveries that interest Egyptologists and historians as well. They include: a prime minister’s tomb, a queen’s pyramid, and a tomb of the son of a king. 

Sakkara is probably best known for the Step Pyramid, the oldest known pyramid in Egypt [currently, there are nearly 100 of them]. It was built for Djoser, the 3rd Dynasty King, by an interesting character, Imhotep. Imhotep designed it as well as the surrounding complex. In its time, it was unique and revolutionary. 

Imhotep built the first tombs in honor of the king’s majesty. His titles included: Treasurer of the King of Lower Egypt, Administrator of the Great Palace, Imhotep the Builder, the Sculptor, the Maker of Stone Vessels.

There are some who believe that the genius Imhotep was none other than the Joseph we read about in the book of Genesis.
