Megiddo - Solomon’s Stables

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Solomon - a man of many contrasts. He was a king who wanted peace, and yet he built a formidable war machine when he was the king of Israel. The Scriptures say he had 12,000 horsemen and as many as 4,000 stalls for chariot horses [2 Chronicles 9]. 

In that same chapter, we’re told that Solomon fortified the cities of Hatzor, Gezer, and Megiddo, which some believe is where he stored many of his horses.

Ongoing excavations at Megiddo [since 1925] have uncovered many evidences of horses there, including stables and mangers—feeding troughs for animals. 

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While Solomon may have taken pride in the acquisition of horses and chariots, his Father, King David, had a different idea:

Some take pride in a chariot, and others in horses, but we take pride in the name of the Lord our God! [Psalm 20:7]
